Monday, October 25, 2004


so i was just IMing with my canadian friend, and telling him about the w ketchup thing, and this totally cracked me up.

lia: and so, do you know what the republicans have done?
lia: this is so hilarious
"canadian friend": bombed heaven??


i think i need to sleep.


Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

Hey LS. I love your blog.

Hell I think I am falling in llve with you. Excellent posts, great links.

I can relate to your post about Pre-Election anxiety disorder. I have it bad.

I just can't imagine what the world will be like with these monsters entrenched in power with no 2008 election to keep them in check.

6:42 AM  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

Hey LS. I love your blog.

Hell I think I am falling in love with you. Excellent posts, great links.

I can relate to your post about Pre-Election anxiety disorder. I have it bad.

I just can't imagine what the world will be like with these monsters entrenched in power with no 2008 election to keep them in check.

6:42 AM  
Blogger InkedDaisyGirl said...

too funny! seriously though what else is left? i'm getting more and more concerned. i feel like in order for them to pull ahead they might try something drastic.

*d* asked me a funny question the other day. he said "what happens if kerry is elected and bush just decides to not leave? what if he states that it is too dangerous for the usa for him to leave office and just doesn't"

i know that he was just trying to be extremely fatalistic but somehow it got me scared. the far out 'what ifs' seem extremely plausible to me now.

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is pretty damn funny.

12:54 PM  
Blogger lia said...

john: i know. scary.

phoenix: aww, you're so sweet. but didn't your mother ever tell you not to fall in love with sluts? we're bad news ;)

2008... i saw a bumpersticker the other day that said "bush/cheney 04: the last vote you'll ever have to cast." *shudder*

inked: you know, a friend of mine was saying something similar might happen. like, kerry wins, the administration declares the results are wrong, and they just stay. and if anyone tries to remove them, there will be military "action"... the american version of a coup.

i could see it happening; bush has already showed that he has no respect for international law, the un, or the geneva convention... they certainly dont apply to him. "NO ONE DARES QUESTION ME!" i think that's why he looked so pissed during the first debate, because he really couldnt believe that someone was criticizing him to his face.

apparently, he has been known to say, to secretaries and the like: "no one talks to me like that."

i'm gonna post a freaky article about the inevitable chaos that is going to be taking place in this country in... gulp... 6 days...

2:09 PM  

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