Friday, October 29, 2004

breaking news

Bin Laden: U.S. security depends on policy

Osama bin Laden delivered a new videotaped message in which he told Americans their security does not depend on the president they elect, but on U.S. policy.

He also claimed responsibility for the attacks of September 11, 2001, which killed nearly 3,000 people.

"Your security is not in the hands of Kerry or Bush or al Qaeda," bin Laden said in the video aired on the Arabic language network Al-Jazeera.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very eeerie about that Bin Laden video. the timing is interesting.

*big monday hugs*

11:49 AM  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

Hey slutty. What I got out of the new tape is that Bushco played right into OBL's hands.

I made my vote for Kerry this morning. Now we sit back and hope for the best.

8:51 AM  
Blogger lia said...

hey guys. sorry i haven't been on, and posting on YOUR blogs. this tape just underscores the incompetence of the bush administration... i mean cmon, the guy who blew up the towers sends a tape of him all tanned and complacent, free as a bird, 2 days before the election? what the hell are people thinking? argh.

i got an email from michael moore today (or yesterday) and i love this part:

"To George W.

I know it’s gotta be rough for you right now. Hey, we’ve all been there. “You’re fired” are two horrible words when put together in that order. Bin Laden surfacing this weekend to remind the American people of your total and complete failure to capture him was a cruel trick or treat. But there he was. 3,000 people were killed and he’s laughing in your face. Why did you stop our Special Forces from going after him? Why did you forget about bin Laden on the DAY AFTER 9/11 and tell your terrorism czar to concentrate on Iraq instead?
There he was, OBL, all tan and rested and on videotape (hey, did you get the feeling that he had a bootleg of my movie? Are there DVD players in those caves in Afghanistan?)"


2:13 PM  

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