Saturday, October 09, 2004

who would have thought the catholic would be the advocate for reproductive rights anyway?

body and soul has a GREAT commentary on kerry's stance on women's rights in the debate last night... and how he won women while bush was busy losing them:

Over the years, I've gotten kind of sick of the phrase "a woman's right to choose." Politicians toss out the phrase, stir in a few remarks about judicial appointments, and then check off that they've done everything necessary to win the votes of single women. Now on to the next issue. Liberal male politicians who say they're for women's rights -- and who don't seem to be aware that any rights other than the right to an abortion are at stake -- are commonplace. Liberal men who really understand, and can communicate, that this is all about women's lives are rarer.

Kerry is one of the ones who gets it.

Kerry has a reputation for speaking in abstractions, but you can't get clearer than, "I'm not going to require a 16-or 17-year-old kid who's been raped by her father and who's pregnant to have to notify her father."

Did Bush respond to that? Not on your life. Literally, not on your life.

He has no moral problem with women dying because of his "simple" moral code. He has no moral problem with further abusing victims. It's pretty simple. It came right up. And that's just the way it is.

After Kerry's straightforward defense of women's lives, Bush sounded like he just didn't give a damn about us.

Women are going to turn that contempt right back on him.

gods, i hope so.


Blogger The Saturnyne said...

hi, i was trawling through the web... leaping heroically from link to link an arrived here... so i thought i'd mention this cartoonist called Steve Bell who works for The Guardian newspaper here in the U.K.

hope this link works, i've never tried to make a direct link thing before, usually it's cut and paste... Steve BellI rather like the way he portrays George Bush and Tony Blair...


10:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kerry gets one thing. he will lose.=

11:04 PM  
Blogger veggiedude said...

Yea, that was a great line by Kerry... I was watching Bush's face, and he had that nowhere look in his eyes.

11:41 PM  
Blogger lia said...

i loved the creepy way bush said: "if you're a mom and you're pregnant and you get killed" ... like it didnt even occur to him that he should sound somewhat dismayed at the idea... so goddamn nonchalant

12:01 AM  

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